
Let me recommend you a great way to learn from the best.
In the past weeks, I have had a great opportunity to attend interactive workshops on Voice of the Customer and Customer Journey mapping, organized by Michael Brandt, CCXP the founder of CX-Excellence. And what wonderful 4 days these have been!
It has been a privilege to learn from Michael and his experience (and on top of that he is also a very nice person). We have had great discussions and I have gotten a lot of new ideas.
Thank you, Michael, for being the source of inspiration for us all and for sharing your knowledge with the world.
I.M. | Helsinki

I absolutely enjoyed your masterclass and gained new insights on complaints management. One part of it I appreciated, in particular, was the 5As model in Complaints Management. Having it aligned in the way you put it, makes it easier to follow and puts things in the right perspective.
S.E. | Lagos

Michael’s philosophy centres around the concept that any customer interaction, even one based on a negative experience, is an opportunity to improve the customer experience. This philosophy has guided our company, and team, to constantly improve the way we handle customer issues and drive-up customer satisfaction.
J.O | Krakow

Thanks for such a wonderful presentation. I found it quite enlightening.
Your delivery made it quite easy to grasp and understand.
F.F. | Lagos

Thank you so much for a great presentation!
It was quite thorough and easy to follow and understand. The customer complaints process flow from issue owner to issue owner was very informative
E.M. | Nairobi

It was wonderful learning from you today.
I particularly loved your take on the Iceberg view of complaints and the powerful 5As in complaint resolution. Overall you inspired me today and I would really like to be a torchbearer in CX.
M.M. | Nairobi

Presented in an interesting and understandable way.
H.I. | Mumbai

Interesting processes, models, and frameworks.
A.B. | Kuala Lumpur

Good presence and presentation skills. Great explanation of methods and tools.
K.L. | Singapore

Focuses on what is best practice and gives good practical tips.